Good Friday 2015 - Washington DC

On Good Friday, April 3 (2015) at 11am a Pastor Joel Hitchcock and a small group from River City Church carried a huge cross from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building in Washington DC and back, to celebrate the glorious death of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST in our nation's capitol...

It was a wonderful, powerful time. We thank God and we thank the National Parks Board for streamlining the process and issuing a permit.

Several people came out to ask us what we were doing, wanted to have their picture taken with the cross and wished us the best!

A Venezuelan group and a couple of Indians listened closely to Pastor Joel' message of the Ultimate Emancipation Proclamation - when Jesus Christ set all slaves to sin free, as well as President Abraham Lincoln's Prayer.  One of the Venezuelans promptly volunteered to be Pastor Joel's Spanish translator and it was great!

The group also stopped at the Washington Monument, where Pastor Joel read a prayer prayed by our nation's first President, George Washington, and the story of the Cross in Matthew 27 and 28. We also stopped at Third Street, close to the Capitol Building, where Pastor Joel read the First Prayer of the Continental Congress in 1774 (prayed by Rev. Jacob Duche).